To provide services regarding economic growth, increase in exports, representation of our sectors at domestic and international fair events, and solutions that will facilitate digital transformation, in a way that takes into account the common interests and sustainable development of İzmir and our country.


To ensure that trade becomes more competitive, faster and safer by providing international fairs, events, and culture and arts services, to lead sustainable economic growth by combining high value-added production with exports, to support İzmir’s economy, promotion and tourism.


To organize qualified fairs, congresses, events and organizations for the benefit of the public and economic sectors. To produce participatory shared mind-based service in decision making, to be open to international cooperation, to be transparent, accountable, innovative and entrepreneurial.


Our most important goal is to carry out studies for the organizations organized by İZFAŞ to contribute to the economy of İzmir region and country in terms of commercial activity and promotion, to increase the number of national and international fair organizations organized, and to contribute to the development of fairs in Turkey by prioritizing customer satisfaction. In this context, it is our company’s quality policy to create a team that prioritizes vocational education, knowledge and skills, to ensure that the whole company adopts the understanding of quality service, to make fair organization services with international dimensions a corporate culture and to increase the service quality by providing continuous improvement.şirketimizin kalite politikasıdır.